Article de PRESSE : revues Maison & Jardin N° 69 juillet/août, Maison Actuelle N° 77 juillet/août 2022, REVUE ARTISTES N° 32, Univers des Arts 2022

Claude d’Haeyé

BiographyClaude D’haeyé, born in Paris 6th, school of Beaux-Art Paris 6th , architecture enthusiast, especially interior design, sceneries, which led me to pursue my passion with painting as my support. My influences, Painters like: Henri Le Sidaner, Bonnard, Paul Jean Hughes and many more.

Presentation of my Work.

After working on conventional subjects like stil lives, I felt the need to release its gesture and expressed other emotions. I have my own way of interpreting reality’s moment, to express emotions, with an intimate style where the humain is often suggested. My research work on the rendering of materials need, according to my subjects, many silk paper applications or various prints, this allowing me to have this feeling of used velvet, crinkled sheets, walls with torn papers.
 I love telling stories where the objects are the characters, for me these objects are great memory’s sources, our daily objects are support of expectations, attachments exactly like the ones that we can experience for other human beings. They mask or reactivate the memory. We ritually take out our grandmother’s tableware, the grandfather’s chair, filled with history. This is why I have a special tenderness for the objects that I paint. Bringing to life the atmosphere of a friend dinner, the ambiance of the house, comforting and warm.

My palette of soft and subtil colors, made of pigments and oil, allowing it to make palpable the intimacy, the atmosphere in my indoor scenes. 
My deep desire: painting and sharing with people this positive energy Paint is offering..

Web site :
Member of the administration’s board of the Société des beaux Arts de Boulogne Billancourt Member of the Cercle des Artistes Européens’s friends.

Claude d’Haeyé


     出生在巴黎六区,毕业于巴黎国立高等美术学院桑日耳曼校区。热爱建筑学。对室内设计,舞台设计有着浓厚的喜爱。伴随着这份情有独钟, 我选择成为一位艺术家,通过颜料和画笔向人们阐述自己对于空间设计的热爱 和见解。


在长时间学习古典绘画主题,比如自然主义画派后,我发觉自己需要解绑手中的画笔,去 释放其他的情感。我通过一种温和轻柔的风格来展现属于我自己理解现实世界和情感表达 的方式。对于不同的作品创作,我需要利用许多不同的宣纸和印刷手法来释放灵感。最终 ,作品通过这些技巧的反复揉炼会展现出如陈旧的丝绒般,褶皱的布料般,撕裂的墙纸般 的视觉效果。静物是我的故事主角。对我来说静物是寄托记忆的器皿。人们对日常生活用 品的情感和依赖与人们对于另外一个人的依靠极为相似。它们有隐藏和启动记忆的能力。 我们都有这种习惯,比如拿出奶奶的常常使用盘子,爷爷常坐的沙发。通过再次使用这些 充满故事和归属感的物品,坐上通往回忆的列车,重温这些温暖人心的时刻。这就是为什 么我对于我所画的静物都有一种非同寻常的温柔和深情。和朋友的一顿晚餐,属于家的幸 福气氛,通过绘画让内心再次被温情包裹,让我们重温这些美好。



Cercle des Artistes Européens (欧洲艺术家会)成员